DANCERS Art and Sports Center "Art Vision" (Simferopol)
Producer Evgenia Garkavaya
Cinematographer Evgeniy Razumenko & Alexey Rukinov
Music Konstantin Garkavy
Editor/Colorist Tanya Matveeva
Text Alexey Rukinov, Alina Zlodeeva, Andrey Kalugin
Voice Nelson Araujo
Life is going. Time brings in the new. We're following these unseen things, searching for the new, going towards somewhere unusual. Is there quality in unfamiliar things? Not always. As long as I remain familiar. Opinions imposed on us. We're perpetually following them and ourselves lose the quality. We become faceless. Life is going. We strive for the best. Looking for something similar. Discussing the life which is going and those in it who are still going. But when are we going to live? Have your own opinion. Know how to separate. Listen to your heart. Be yourself. Go and create. Try, make mistakes. Your life is going.